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Heron_workspace architecture

This page gives an overview of the repositories in heron_workspace. It also provides links to other pages with relevant information.

The heron_workspace_setup is a repository that provides documentation and some basic set ups for cloning and installing heron_workspace, including SkiROS and other necessary dependencies. Once heron_workspace is installed there should be 18 repositories somewhere under the root folder. If the root folder is called “catkin_ws”, the following paths are for some of the more important repos to be aware of:

  • catkin_ws/src/libs/heron_workspace_setup: This is where the heron_workspace setup repository and its ends up after installation.
  • catkin_ws/src/robots/heron_robot: This repository provides instructions for running the Heron robot with ROS either in simulation (using Rviz and Gazebo) or in real life (robot lab).
  • catkin_ws/src/start/heron_launch: This repository provides instructions for running the Heron robot with SkiROS.

Other good links

  1. Skiros2 examples: (these are also explained in terms of how and where to clone them in catkin_ws/src/libs/heron_workspace_setup/

./src/skills/vision_skills/.git ./src/skills/skills_sandbox/.git ./src/skiros2_examples/.git ./src/start/heron_launch/.git ./src/robots/MIR_robot/.git ./src/robots/ur_driver/.git ./src/robots/heron_robot/.git ./src/robots/universal_robot/.git ./src/libs/heron_workspace_setup/.git ./src/libs/cartesian_controllers/.git ./src/libs/vision/.git ./src/libs/cartesian_trajectory_generator/.git ./src/libs/wsg50-ros-pkg/.git ./src/libs/realsense/.git ./src/libs/gazebo_models_psa/.git ./src/libs/skiros2/skiros2_std_lib/.git ./src/libs/skiros2/skiros2_moveit_lib/.git ./src/libs/skiros2/skiros2/.git ./src/libs/ddynamic_reconfigure/.git

Schema of repositories under catkin_ws/src

  ├── skills              
  │   ├── vision_skills                  
  │   ├── skills_sandbox                  
  ├── start    
  │   ├── heron_launch
  ├── robots
  │   ├── MIR_robot  The bottom part of the Heron robot (the one which moves the wheels of the robot)
  │   ├── ur_driver  Universal Robotics driver (Driver for Herons robot arm)   
  │   ├── heron_robot  Running Heron robot with ROS
  │   ├── universal_robot  Heron robot arm
  ├── libs     
  │   ├── heron_workspace_setup  The installation repo
  │   ├── cartesian_controllers
  │   ├── vision  Concerns the camera attached to Herons robot arm. Includes functionality for pose estimation. Lacks readme. 
  │   ├── cartesian_trajectory_generator
  │   ├── wsg50-ros-pkg
  │   ├── realsense
  │   ├── gazebo_models_psa
  │   ├── skiros2
  │       ├── skiros2_std_lib   
  │       ├── skiros2_moveit_lib  Robot arm functionalities
  │       ├── .git   The clone of skiros2
  │   ├── ddynamic_reconfigure
  ├── heron_robot    This is the main package and shows how many relevant Heron components can be set up to run with ROS.
  │   ├── config
  │   ├── launch  Includes example launches with arm, Mir, whole robot or just Rviz.
  │   ├── maps
  │   ├── nodes
  │   ├── res
  │   ├── scripts
  │   ├── src    Contains an example of how to send a goal using the /move_base/ topic.
  • documentation/heron_workspace_architecture.1648037611.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/02 14:04
  • (external edit)