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Troubleshooting Skills

Your skill is not found by SkiROS, now what? Here are some basic things to make sure are correct before you give up on ever working with SkiROS again.

* Is the skill in the skill list of the launch file?

* Is the script in a package that is imported by the launch file?

* Does the script end in .py?

* Is there an empty _ _init_ file in the same directory as the script?

* Is there an import error in the script?

* Is there a syntax error in the script?

└─ catkin_ws
|   ├─ src
|   |   ├─ skills
|   |   |   ├─ skills_sandbox
|   |   |   ├─ vision_skills
|   |   |   ├─ <skill package 1>
|   |   |   └─ ...
|   |   └─ <other ROS packages>
|   └─ ...
└─ ...

Where your skill lies in <skill package 1>, this package should be a ROS package which looks like the package that can be found here.

In the src file of the package the following structure is excpected

└─ src
    ├─ <folder 1>
    |    ├─ _ _init_
    |    ├─ <file 1>.py
    |    └─ ...
    ├─ <folder 2>
    |    ├─ _ _init_
    |    ├─ <file 1>.py
    |    └─ ...
    └─ ...

If the _ _init_ files are not present the files containing skills are not found by SkiROS.

  <arg name="libraries_list" value="[skiros2_std_skills, skiros2_moveit_lib, skills_sandbox, vision_skills, <skill package 1>]"/>
  <arg name="skill_list"

The name of the relevant skills should be added to the skill list. If a skill lies in <skill package 1> that package should be added to the libraries_list.

  • documentation/skiros/troubleshooting_skills.1678954688.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/03/16 08:18
  • by pontusr