
This is an old revision of the document!


There are two ways for us to get into the MiR PC for maintenance: SSH or Manually.

Maintenance user: mirex

password: 12345

Make sure that you can connect to the MiR over a network.

Wifi MiR IP
Heron Mobile Wifi 5G
Heron Wifi 5G

In a terminal, type:

ssh mirex@<Insert MiR IP here>

You will then be prompted for the password (12345).

You can manually connect to the MiR PC using a monitor and keyboard as follows.

First, simply pull off the port cover right below the power button (grab the plastic cover and pull straight out).

Second, plug in a monitor in the HDMI port:

Third, plug in a keyboard in the USB port inside Heron's chassis (the USB port next to the HDMI port doesn't seem to be working).

Now you should see a prompt on the monitor asking you to log in. If you don't see anything, make sure the monitor is set to the correct input (HDMI 1/2).

Simply type the username (mirex). You will then be asked to type in the password (12345).

  • documentation/robots/heron.1648041507.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/02 14:04
  • (external edit)