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Add network routes
Sometimes a route needs to be manually configured in order to reach network nodes behind gateways/firewalls.
To do this you specify that to reach a certain subnet you need to go through a certain gateway.
In the following sections $SUBNET
should be replaced with subnet (ip range) using either CIDR notation or subnet mask.
should be replaced with gateway's IP address.
These instructions assume that you are using IPv4 addresses.
Subnet syntax
CIDR notation
From: Subnetwork.
The routing prefix may be expressed in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation written as the first address of a network, followed by a slash character (/), and ending with the bit-length of the prefix. For example, is the prefix of the Internet Protocol version 4 network starting at the given address, having 24 bits allocated for the network prefix, and the remaining 8 bits reserved for host addressing. Addresses in the range to belong to this network, with as the subnet broadcast address. The IPv6 address specification 2001:db8::/32 is a large address block with 296 addresses, having a 32-bit routing prefix.
Subnet mask
From: Subnetwork.
For IPv4, a network may also be characterized by its subnet mask or netmask, which is the bitmask that, when applied by a bitwise AND operation to any IP address in the network, yields the routing prefix. Subnet masks are also expressed in dot-decimal notation like an IP address. For example, the prefix would have the subnet mask
Use subnet mask, $SUBNET should be the route with 0 replacing variable parts of the IP. E.g.
- Open administrative shell: Press Alt+X and select “Command Prompt (Admin)”/“Windows Powershell (Admin)”.
- Run
(the switch-p
makes the route persistent)
Use CIDR notation.
- Open a terminal
- Run
sudo route -n add -net $SUBNET $GATEWAY
Use CIDR notation.
- Open a terminal.
- Find your preferred device using
ip link
(enp* or eth* for ethernet and wlp* or wifi* for wireless). Replace in code below where it says enpXsY. - Store choosen interface by running
- Select from following options:
Temporarily via ip route (Most distros)
sudo ip route add $SUBNET via $GATEWAY dev “$DEVICE”
NetworkManager persistent (Most distros)
sudo nmcli connection modify “$DEVICE” +ipv4.routes “$SUBNET $GATEWAY”
Netplan persistent route (Ubuntu/cloud init)
Add the following to /etc/netplan/new_route.yaml
(needs to be edited with sudo, any file name is fine with extension yaml/yml)
network: version: 2 ethernets: enpXsY: routes: - to: $SUBNET via: $GATEWAY
Then run sudo netplan apply