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This would require an entire new skill or major changes to the current implementation. ---- ==== The Skill ==== Input elements: * **Camera** - Camera to do the calibration for. * **Arm** - Arm connected with the camera. * **Object** - Reference Point used when generating poses, also the target. * **Radius** - Radius of sphere when generating poses. * **MaxDistance** - Limits the maximum distance of the generated poses from the base of the `Arm`. * **MinDistance** - Minimum distance from the base for the generated poses. * **TheesholdPos** - How accurate the //go_to_linear()// functions needs to be before saying that it reached its destination. * **Number of Poses** - Number of poses for the hand-eye calibration with a minimum of 2. Required world model relations: * **Arm** ''skiros:hasA'' **EELink** * **Camera** ''skiros:hasA'' **View Frame** The **Arm** need the the following properties set in the world model: * ''skiros:LinkedToFrameId'' * ''skiros:MotionExe'' * ''skiros:MoveItGroup'' (when using MoveIt implementation) * ''skiros:MoveItReferenceFrame'' (when using MoveIt implementation) * ''skiros:MoveItTCPLink'' (when using MoveIt implementation) The **EELink** (should be renamed to EndEffectorLink) is defined as: scalable:ArmEELink-888 a scalable:ArmEELink, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Arm End Effector Link" ; skiros:BaseFrameId "cora:Robot-1"^^xsd:string ; skiros:ContainerState "Empty"^^xsd:string ; skiros:DiscreteReasoner "AauSpatialReasoner"^^xsd:string ; skiros:FrameId "ur5e_ee_link"^^xsd:string ; skiros:FrontAxis "x"^^xsd:string; skiros:LinkedToFrameId "ur5e_ee_link"^^xsd:string ; skiros:Orientation... skiros:Position... skiros:PublishTf true; skiros:Template "scalable:arm_end_effector"^^xsd:string ; skiros:TfTimeStamp "282.412"^^xsd:float ; skiros:at skiros:BlockGraspPose-1 ; skiros:hasA scalable:WsgGripper-3 ; skiros:contain skiros:DepthCamera-48, skiros:TransformationPose-887 ;. An **Object** to be observed using ArUco Marker should be defined as: skiros:BigBox-143 a skiros:Product, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "BlockWithMarker42" ; skiros:BaseFrameId "skiros:DepthCamera-48"^^xsd:string ; skiros:DiscreteReasoner "AauSpatialReasoner"^^xsd:string ; skiros:FrameId "skiros:BigBox-143"^^xsd:string ; skiros:OrientationW "1.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationX "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationY "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationZ "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionX "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionY "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionZ "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:SizeX "0.325"^^xsd:float ; skiros:SizeY "0.324"^^xsd:float ; skiros:SizeZ "0.236"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PublishTf true ; skiros:Template "skiros:Product"^^xsd:string ; skiros:TfTimeStamp "1639494837.17"^^xsd:float ; skiros:at skiros:Location-3 ; skiros:hasA scalable:Marker-422-7 . and its corresponding **Marker**: scalable:Marker-422-7 a scalable:Marker, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "ArucoMarker0"^^xsd:string ; skiros:BaseFrameId "skiros:BigBox-143"^^xsd:string ; skiros:DiscreteReasoner "AauSpatialReasoner"^^xsd:string ; skiros:FrameId "skiros:Marker-422-7"^^xsd:string ; skiros:OrientationW "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationX "0.7071068"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationY "0.7071068"^^xsd:float ; skiros:OrientationZ "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionX "-0.087"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionY "-0.087"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PositionZ "0.0"^^xsd:float ; skiros:PublishTf true ; skiros:Size "0.174"^^xsd:float ; skiros:Value "422"^^xsd:int ; scalable:ArUcoSize "7x7"^^xsd:string . A **Camera** ''skiros:hasA'' **CalibrationParameters** which also needs to be modified when getting the data using the //, these are defined as: scalable:CalibrationParameters-1 a scalable:CalibrationParameters, owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "real_sense_calibration" ; scalable:FocalLengthX "607.91"^^xsd:float ; scalable:FocalLengthY "608.40"^^xsd:float ; scalable:PixelCenterX "435.50"^^xsd:float ; scalable:PixelCenterY "225.05"^^xsd:float ; scalable:Distortionk1 "0.1203"^^xsd:float ; scalable:Distortionk2 "-0.3019"^^xsd:float ; scalable:Distortionp1 "0.0002"^^xsd:float ; scalable:Distortionp2 "-0.0044"^^xsd:float ; scalable:Distortionk3 "0.1847"^^xsd:float ; . Required skills needed by the **SkillBase** * [[|''pose_estimation_aruco'']] * [[|''copy_tf'']] * ''wait'' (Already exists in system) * [[|''random_point_on_sphere_move'']] * [[|''wait_for_velocity'']] * ''switch_controller'' (Already exists in system) * [[|''ee_camera_pose_publisher'']] * [[|''hand_eye_calculation_opencv'']] The complete skill can be found [[|here]]. ===== TODO ===== * Merge all relevant code to master branches, including **heron_launch**, and move relevant skills to correct packages as in //vision_skills// or //skills_sandbox//. * Implement so that fixed camera can be solved. documentation/vision/opencv_hand_eye_calibration.txt Last modified: 2023/05/02 08:24by marcusn