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documentation:skiros:troubleshooting_skills [2023/03/23 18:09] pontusrdocumentation:skiros:troubleshooting_skills [2023/06/26 12:42] (current) – [Detect and Fix Import Error] pontusr
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     * If the minimal skill loads there might be a syntax error or import error in the skill you're writing.     * If the minimal skill loads there might be a syntax error or import error in the skill you're writing.
-To then determine +To then determine if there is an import error you can paste the imports from your skill into the minimal skill one at a time. If it ever breaks you'll know which import(s) is incorrent. If there are no import errors there might a syntax error. You can paste your skill one block at a time into the same file as the minimal skill. Start with an empty skill with the same name as your skill with no parameters, then add only the parameters to the skill description and so on.
  • documentation/skiros/troubleshooting_skills.1679594990.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/03/23 18:09
  • by pontusr