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documentation:robots:heron [2022/03/22 08:29] volkerkdocumentation:robots:heron [2024/10/28 15:56] (current) – [Starting the Robot] marcusk
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 ====== HERON ====== ====== HERON ======
 +===== Usage Guide =====
 +Here follows some instructions on how to work with the Heron robot. Jacek has added something here.
 +==== Starting the Robot ====
 +The first step is to power on the MiR by pressing the power button in one of the corners of the robot: \\
 +{{:documentation:robots:start_robot.jpg?direct&400|}} \\
 +There are two buttons, one yellow (to the left) and one blue (to the right).
 +The blue one is the power button.
 +After pressing the power button, the lights on the sides of MiR should start lighting up.
 +Wait for a few seconds and then power on the Robotmind2 PC inside the chassis:\\
 +{{:documentation:robots:start_robotmind2.jpg?direct&400|}} \\
 +There will be no indication that the PC is starting, so you just have to trust the process.
 +Wait for another few seconds and then power on the UR5E arm by pressing the power button on the tablet: \\
 +{{:documentation:robots:start_arm.jpg?direct&400|}} \\
 +It will take a minute or two for the arm to start.
 +Once the arm is started, on the tablet you press "Load Program" and select "robotmind2.urp".
 +Now a program should be selected to finialize the startup you need to find the wireless emergency stop: \\
 +{{:documentation:robots:wireless_emergency_stop.jpg?direct&400|}} \\
 +Unplug the charger cable. Reset the stop, and you should be able to start the robot arm by finally doing: \\
 +Press the round button in the lower left corner of the tablet (it should be red when the arm is just started).
 +Then power on, and enable the arm.
 +==== Starting ROS ====
 +A prerequisite for running ROS is that all components are connected to either "Heron Mobile Wifi 5G" or "Heron Wifi 5G".
 +These two networks are linked, so it doesn't matter which one you connect to. \\
 +All the components on Heron should automatically connect to "Heron Mobile Wifi 5G". \\
 +If MiR doesn't automatically connect, see [[troubleshooting:heron_common_issues#mir_is_not_connected_to_the_heron_wifi|MiR is not connected to the Heron wifi]].
 +Now, ssh into Robotmind2:
 +<code bash>
 +ssh <user>@
 +robotmind2$ roscore &
 +robotmind2$ mon launch heron_robot real.launch
 +Next, on the tablet for the UR5E arm, you need to press the play button and start the robotmind2 program.
 +Now everything should be ready for all your ROS activities.
 +===== Accessing the MiR PC (for maintenance) =====
 +There are two ways for us to get into the MiR PC for maintenance: SSH or Manually. \\
 +Maintenance user: mirex \\
 +password: 12345
 +More information about the MiR PC and how to access is [[internal:documentation:heron|available here.]]
 +==== SSH ====
 +Make sure that you can connect to the MiR over a network.
 +^ Wifi                  ^ MiR IP         ^
 +| MiR_s1319             |  |
 +| Heron Mobile Wifi 5G  |    |
 +| Heron Wifi 5G         |    |
 +In a terminal, type:
 +<code bash>
 +ssh mirex@<Insert MiR IP here>
 +You will then be prompted for the password (12345).
 +==== Manually ====
 +You can manually connect to the MiR PC using a monitor and keyboard as follows. \\
 +First, simply pull off the port cover right below the power button (grab the plastic cover and pull straight out). \\
 +Second, plug in a monitor in the HDMI port: \\
 +Third, plug in a keyboard in the USB port inside Heron's chassis (the USB port next to the HDMI port doesn't seem to be working). \\
 +Now you should see a prompt on the monitor asking you to log in.
 +If you don't see anything, make sure the monitor is set to the correct input (HDMI 1/2). \\
 +Simply type the username (mirex).
 +You will then be asked to type in the password (12345).
  • documentation/robots/heron.1647937786.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/02 14:04
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