Table of Contents

Tutorials on ROS/SkiROS

skiros2_examples give some basic introduction to SkiROS ( Clone into catkin_ws /src folder (same level as the “skills” folder). Also check the SkiROS wiki page ``

For GUI analytics, `` is highly recommended.

In order to make any changes to skills related to driving, navigation and localization, transformation frames are good to know about (e.g.

For ROS beginners there are many highly pedagogic tutorials at For example, they have a whole course on navigation/localization.

Some bashrc tips for heron_workspace_setup

Pimp history

Add this to your .bashrc:

export HISTTIMEFORMAT=“%h %d %H:%M:%S ”
export HISTSIZE=10000
export HISTFILESIZE=10000
export HISTIGNORE=“ls:ps:history”
shopt -s histappend

ROS Configuration

Add this to your .bashrc:

export ROS_WS=~/Workspaces/heron_ws
source $ROS_WS/devel/setup.bash
alias src='cd $ROS_WS/src'
export CURRENT_CMAKE_BUILD_DIR=“$(catkin locate –workspace $ROS_WS –build)”

function print_ros_variables () {
echo “ROS_IP: ” $ROS_IP
echo “ROS Workspace: ” $ROS_WS
echo “rosinstall file: ” `test -f $ROS_WS/src/.rosinstall.conf && cat $ROS_WS/src/.rosinstall.conf`

Configure Master Way 1 - Static

Add this to your .bashrc :

export ROS_IP=
export ROS_MASTER_URI='http://$ROS_IP:11311'

Configure Master Way 2 - Flexible

Add this to your .bashrc:

alias ros_master_local=“export ROS_MASTER_URI='' && export ROS_IP='' && unset ROS_HOSTNAME &&
alias ros_master_remote=“export ROS_MASTER_URI='' && export ROS_IP='' && unset ROS_HOSTNAME && print_ros_variables”

Resource .bashrc

Add this to your .bashrc:

alias resource=“source ~/.bashrc”

Automatically open a tmux session when connecting through ssh

Add this to your .bashrc: if -z "$TMUX" && [ “$SSH_CONNECTION” != “” ]; then
tmux attach-session -t ssh_tmux || tmux new-session -s ssh_tmux

Add SSH keys to a keyring for multiple shells

This frees you from typing the password of your ssh key every time.

Install the `keychain` package. eval `keychain –agents ssh –timeout 60 –eval id_rsa`

ROS Best Practices

* [ROS Best Practice Collection](